
Projects are how to track what you’re working on (or planning to work on in the future). Adding threads for your pattern will cross-reference what you have in your Thread Box or what is already on your Shopping List

Projects - Screenshot.png
Projects - Compare.png
** Project Photos are a Premium feature

** Project Photos are a Premium feature


Create a new project

Tap the “+” icon to add a new project.

Project Name is required. You can also add a description to make notes for yourself. When you create a project, it is automatically set to “Not Started” - this can be edited once it has been created.

It is advised to add threads to your project when you create it, but you can add them later.

Add threads to project

Tap “Project Threads” on the project details screen

Add a thread to a project by tapping the “+” icon. This will bring up the same popup that is used on the Thread Box and Shopping List.

This is where the power of the app shows up: once it is added to the project, you will see whether your thread is already in your Thread Box or on your Shopping List.

Edit a project

On the project details screen, tap the “pencil” icon.

Change the status by selecting the appropriate status in the Status dropdown. When you select In Progress or Completed, you have the option of selecting the Start Date and Completed Date.

Add to Thread Box/Shopping List

You can add thread for a project to your Thread Box or Shopping List from the Project Details screen by tapping the “Add to Inventory” or “Add to Shopping List” icons.

If the thread already exists in your Thread Box or on the Shopping List, you will be notified and it will not be added twice.

Delete a project

To delete a project, tap the “three dots” in the right-hand corner and tap “Delete Project”. You will be prompted to confirm the action to avoid deleting a project in error.

Add photos to a project

NOTE: Project Photos are a Premium Feature

Tap “Project Photos” on the project details screen.

Tap the “+” icon. If you have not given Thread Stash permission to view files on your device, you must tap “Allow” to add photos.

Select the desired photo.

You can remove a photo by tapping the trash can icon beside the photo.